Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati today demanded a special economic package of about Rs 80,000 crore from the central government for the state. Mayawati, who met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh earlier today, said the package would be used for the all-round development of the state, especially the backward regions of Purvanchal and Bundelkhand. She also wanted the Centre to amend the 9th Schedule to make reservation for the economically backward mandatory for industry. This would include the poor among the upper castes as well as those from socially disadvantaged castes. Referring to the demand for an economic package, Mayawati said: "Inadequate infrastructure and health facilities, low literacy rate and low capital investment in different areas of the economy are the main causes of the state's backwardness. While a vicious circle of backwardness is adding to poverty, Uttar Pradesh does not have enough resources to break it. UP needs the Centre's assistance to remove these imbalances and accelerate growth. "Ever since Uttarakhand was created, a large number of industries have migrated to the hill state from Uttar Pradesh. As the geographical conditions of Purvanchal and Bundelkhand are similar to Uttarakhand, these areas should be provided with a 'special area incentive' as given to Uttarakhand, to accelerate development," she said. Under the special area incentive package to the industries to be set up in these areas, Mayawati demanded exemption from central excise duty for 10 years, 100% exemption from income tax during the first 5 years and 30% exemption for the succeeding 5 years and 15% subsidy on capital investment. She said that in a letter sent to the Prime Minister on July 17 seeking help and today, she personally apprised him of the situation. On the implementation of VAT in the state, the chief minister said that they would study the policy and a decision would be taken soon. Mayawati also set a target of 10% growth rate for the state in the 11th plan period, so that it could be brought on par with other developed states. "We are also aiming to bring down the number of people living below poverty line in the state by 50% during the plan period," she said. Mayawati also asked for the approval of a proposal from the state under which 5% growth was aimed in the agriculture and related sectors. To take forward her agenda of 'Sarvajan Samaj' in UP, Mayawati asked the Prime Minister for a special assistance of Rs 23,800 crore which will provide economic aid to SCs, STs, OBCs, religious minorities and upper caste members subsisting below the poverty line and 'to bring them into the mainstream of development'. |