Aimed at automating the process of mineral concessions, Mines Ministry has invited proposals from software developers for design, development, maintenance and operations of Mining Tenement System (MTS).
Mines Ministry plans to automate various processes associated with the mineral concession regime through MTS and hopes it would not only enable online filing of applications, but also facilitate identification of the areas available for various types of mineral concessions.
"Indian Bureau of Mines, a subsidiary office of Ministry of Mines ...Invites online bids ...From reputed, qualified and experienced software development agencies for design, development, maintenance and operations of MTS," the Ministry said in a tender notice put up on its website.
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IBM, which is engaged in the promotion of conservation, scientific development of mineral resources and protection of environment in mines other than coal, petroleum and natural gas, atomic minerals and minor minerals, has been nominated as the nodal implementing agency for the project.
The Mines Ministry also believes that MTS would also help to manage post-concession issues like approval of mining plan, etc.
State Governments are the owners of minerals located within their respective boundaries and as such, states only have the right to grant mineral concessions for all minerals. Centre's role is only of the advisory.
There would be a pre-bid meeting at IBM's head office in Nagpur on December 20. Interested parties would be able to submit their bids till January 6.
Qualified bidders would be asked to give a technical presentation. This would follow submission of the financial bids by the successful bidder before final selection.