Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced an Rs 3,094 crore package for rejuvenation of agriculture in poll-bound Bihar, which is part of his overall package of Rs 125,000 crore for the state.
Funds for the sector will be spent on up gradation of Rajendra Prasad Agriculture University to Central University, creation of a new Research Centre, development of fisheries, farmwater management, storage capacity, farm mechanisation, seed production systems and construction of new godowns for foodgrains.
Of this, work on the first two that is up gradation of Rajendra Agriculture University to Central University and creation of a new Research Centre has already started. Bihar is one of major producer of paddy, fruits and vegetables, but lacks a proper institutional mechanism to procure foodgrains from farmers.
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"This is a positive step towards gaining the momentum in the agriculture sector and will provide the necessary boost.
The sector needs funds and thrust towards this is welcome," Sandeep Sabharwal, Group CEO, Sohan Lal Commodity Management said.