The Federation of Gujarat Industries on Thursday organised a meeting of industrialists, which was also attended by chief minister Narendra Modi, minister for industries Anil Patel and minister for energy & petrochemicals Saurabh Patel.
Chief Minster Narendra Modi in his address to the industrialists emphasised on transparency and adherence to quality standards. Giving an example of the 100 year old Ahmedabad textile industry, he said it is because of its quality that the industry could survive for so long.
He said that it is an irony that in the state of Gandhi he has to employ people to check power-theft. Gujarat is lagging behind because it has no marketing skills, we have to develop this skill, he added.
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Emphasising on the importance of information technology (IT), Modi said, it is very vast and its not restricted only to software industry. Software industry is only a small part of it. For him IT is not information technology but its Indian talent.
He said the state is planning to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Columbia University for enhancing bio-technology.
He talked about developing cluster of industries and said that 72 such clusters have been identified for the purpose. 21 such clusters are in Morbi, Than, and Jamnagar.
He further said that the service industries in the state have a good scope.