Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi got yet another lease of life today as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief LK Advani not only refused to discuss his ouster, but also asked dissidents "not to wash dirty linen in public". |
Party dissidents like state unit chief Rajinder Singh Rana, former Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel and Suresh Mehta had a three-hour breakfast meeting with Advani where all these issues were "openly discussed". |
Former party chief M Venkaiah Naidu, who along with organisation secretary Sanjay Joshi was present at the meeting, said although Modi would not be removed, certain "measures will be taken both in the state government and the party" to prevent the recurrence of problems. |
"The Gujarat chief minister has been told that he has to work within the party framework and the government should be run in consultation with senior leaders," he said. |
"The senior leaders have, in turn, been told that they should work out problems within the purview of the party and not go to the media," Naidu said. |
A co-ordination committee to run the Gujarat government in consultation with the party would be set up after the BJP national council meeting in April, he said. The party constitution allowed for this, he added. |
According to sources, Modi will also be asked to accommodate a few leaders in the ministry, which will be expanded soon. |
Another way of soothing the dissidents will be holding the organisational polls soon. |
Sources confirm that there will be a tug of war between the Brahmin lobby and the Patel lobby for the state party president's position. |
Haren Pathak a Brahmin, and known Modi baiter, is the favourite as far as Advani is concerned, while orthopedic surgeon Vallabhai Katheria is a favourite with the powerful Patel lobby. |
"Brahmins constitute a very small number in the powerful Saurashtra belt where BJP has traditionally drawn its strength from in the past," said a senior Gujarat leader. |
However, the message from Advani was unambiguous, that post Godhra and post denial of US visa, Modi had become more than a mere chief minister and had come to symbolise a lot of things for Hindus across the country. |
In fact, even before the meeting it had been made clear that Modi would not be removed. the anti-Modi camp appeared dampened by this snub, and will return to Gujarat the same day. MLAs who had raised a banner of revolt have decided to return to their constituencies as well. Modi, clearly has survived to live another day. |