The fate of the Rs 54,000-crore Posco project, India's biggest FDI, continues to hang in balance as the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) is yet to get the report of the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC).
The ministry is expected to take a decision soon on the mega project after getting the FAC's report.
“The MoEF is yet to get a report of the FAC and a decision will be taken after we get the report. I cannot predict the time frame of the decision but it is certainly not going to take months to decide on the issue. The FAC is a statutory body and it has prepared its report independently without the interference of the ministry”, Union minister for environment and forests Jairam Ramesh told reporters in New Delhi.
Earlier, on August 5, the MoEF had issued a stop work order to the Orissa government on the Posco project.