Blacksmiths and iron-mongers (locally known as lohars) of the Baghraji area near Jabalpur will become small-scale industrialists if a cluster proposal of the MP government gets clearance from the Centre.
The state has readied a plan in this regard and has forwarded it to the Centre and the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard).
The Baghraji area near Jabalpur has approximately 150 tiny units, run by blacksmiths, that manufacture conventional agriculture implements, door ledges and locks, iron front doors, window panels and blinds, and kitchen appliances like knives and tawas, and supply them to nearby town and rural areas.
The cluster is likely to be funded under the Integrated Rural Development Plan of Nabard.
According to government sources, there is a plan to develop a market centre, a shed, and a community centre for the blacksmith of these areas.
"We are looking for land to develop the cluster near the Richhai industrial area. If the central government clears the proposal, we will create the cluster as early as possible," a government official told Business Standard from Jabalpur on the telephone.
The cluster, if takes shapes, will give employment to 2,000 people directly and about 4,000 people indirectly.
Jabalpur is known for its marble rocks near Bhedaghat. The department of industries has also planned clusters for fabricators and handicraft items but they are yet to take shape since "the cost involved is Rs 8-10 crore."
The Jabalpur Municipal Corporation has more than 8 acres of land, which is sought to be developed as a similar cluster for fabricators of Jabalpur.
But there is a dispute concerning the land and the department of industry is yet to acquire it, though the district collector claims to have solved the dispute and has offered the land with 10 per cent concession on rates.
"We have also planned two more clusters for fabricators and handicraftsmen, but the proposals are still awaiting the Centre's nod. The cluster for Lohari work will be completed within a year from its clearance," the official said.
There are 660 units of fabricators and more than 300 cottage industries engaged in handicraft work.
The state government is expecting Rs 21-25 crore from the Centre, and 10-15 per cent contribution from local industrialists in all the four clusters (including another cluster for readymade garments) amounting to Rs 50 crore. The readymade garment cluster plan seeks Rs 27 crore as development work while the rest will be invested in other clusters.
Big promise
- The state has readied a plan in this regard and has forwarded it to the Centre and the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
- The cluster is likely to be funded under the Integrated Rural Development Plan of Nabard
- There is a plan to develop a market centre, a shed, and a community centre for the blacksmith of these areas
- The cluster, if takes shapes, will give employment to 2,000 people directly and about 4000 people indirectly
- The state government is expecting Rs 21-25 crore from the Centre, and 10-15 per cent contribution from local industrialists