The government’s plan to integrate various modes of transport will start being executed in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s constituency, Varanasi. The country’s first multi-modal hub with rail-road connectivity will be in the city.
The hub would be a pilot for other 50-60 projects planned by the central government, said officials.
To begin with, the thrust will be on connecting the bus terminal with the railway station to provide a seamless transportation facility to travellers.
According to officials, a study was initiated in Varanasi to ascertain the traffic and its origin and it found that most of it
The hub would be a pilot for other 50-60 projects planned by the central government, said officials.
To begin with, the thrust will be on connecting the bus terminal with the railway station to provide a seamless transportation facility to travellers.
According to officials, a study was initiated in Varanasi to ascertain the traffic and its origin and it found that most of it