The Rs 434 crore plan for improving and expanding roads in Mysore and the backward district of Chamarajanagar is getting ready for implementation.
“The tender process is on for its execution under a private-public partnership model. There was some delay over the issue of road toll collection. After sorting out the issue, the Centre has finally cleared the project and the work may start sometime next month,” Chamarajanagar MP R Dhruvanarayan told Business Standard at the weekend.
The project envisages converting the accident-prone Mysore-Nanjangud stretch of the Bangalore-Ooty Road into a four-way lane road. The improvement of this road, NH-212 has assumed urgency in the wake of repeated accidents that have claimed lives.
The vital national highway is witnessing increasing vehicular traffic while the road is in a bad condition. In a major bus mishap as many as 31 people met watery grave when a tempo fell into a road-side tank recently.
Apart from the existing bridge, one more bridge would be built across the Kabini at Nanjangud, he said.
The expansion of the 26-km stretch of the national highway will also provide a direct four-lane link to Bangalore from this temple town.