A negative yield was quoted for the first time on India’s sovereign bond trading platform on Friday after a bank placed a wrong price, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
The 6.17 per cent note maturing in 2021 was offered at a negative yield of around 1.5 per cent, according to traders who saw the quote on the Clearing Corporation of India’s Negotiated Dealing System — Order Matching, or NDS-OM platform. They asked not to be identified as they aren’t authorised to speak to the media.
A bank placed a wrong price quote, which led to
The 6.17 per cent note maturing in 2021 was offered at a negative yield of around 1.5 per cent, according to traders who saw the quote on the Clearing Corporation of India’s Negotiated Dealing System — Order Matching, or NDS-OM platform. They asked not to be identified as they aren’t authorised to speak to the media.
A bank placed a wrong price quote, which led to