While labour-intensive sectors continues to be bogged down by labour-related rules, newer firms, including start-ups, have reported a more favourable environment, according to an official survey. This also means that jobs per unit of capital could become a casualty.
The Enterprise Survey, covering 3,500 manufacturing firms across India in 2016, found newer firms take less time in obtaining approvals than older firms. Newer firms include start-ups established after 2014.
On the basis of the survey, conducted by the NITI Aayog along with the Mumbai-based IDFC Institute, the report on ease of doing business would be launched on Monday.
The Enterprise Survey, covering 3,500 manufacturing firms across India in 2016, found newer firms take less time in obtaining approvals than older firms. Newer firms include start-ups established after 2014.
On the basis of the survey, conducted by the NITI Aayog along with the Mumbai-based IDFC Institute, the report on ease of doing business would be launched on Monday.