The Economic Times Sebi may go for plea bargaining to speed up settlement of cases Option likely to be available only to select categories Reliance likely to make Bangalore its retail hub Company seen scouting for large corporate real estate space in city. Japan's Sompo in tie-up for a non-life JV in India Partners with IOB, Karnataka, Allahabad Bank and Dabur. The Hindu Business Line Tata Steel eyes 79% in Highveld Steel of SA Due diligence is on for South Africa's $1.3 billion market cap company. Anil Ambani group to raise stake in Reliance Natural Resources to 55% Plans to invest Rs 1,052 crore; preferential offer approved; open offer on May 3. Government not to change norms for petroleum retail business Prospective players should invest Rs 2,000 crore in 10-year period. The Financial Express Gail ' No' to China Gas new shares Says it's not in the business of portfolio investment. Bird flu back to haunt poultries Industry feels disease may have little effect as it has struck mostly backyard poultry. Essar lines up Rs 1,500 crore telecom retail chain plan Would offer convergence of all telecom products and services. Daily News & Analysis Cairn talks IPO. Making ONGC pay more? ONGC is interested but demurs on valuation. Trai may haul mobile firms to court over service quality Regulator says operators haven't tried hard enough to reach deal with BSNL. ABB to set up two plants Plans to hire over 500 professionals this year. |