The Economic Times Companies may not need non-promoter holding of 25% to stay listed Sebi looking at new norm of Rs 1, 000 crore market capitalisation or two crore public shares. FM, bank chiefs to talk liquidity, do a rate check FM to meet bank chiefs on March 23. GE Shipping demerger likely to be delayed All clients yet to okay transfer of contracts to Great Offshore. The Hindu Business Line ECBs by Indian companies may cross $15 billion this fiscal Domestic fund raising too going on at hectic pace. Sebi's rating plan fails to lure IPO companies Of more than 40 IPOs likely to the market, only 4 companies have taken the test exercise. 'Bring more oil outlets under thirs party norm', says Deora Move suggested to prevent adulteration of petroleum products. The Financial Express Sebi plans single authority for enquiry and adjudication Proposed body will have quasi-judicial status; Sebi board to discuss issue today. Centre asks BSNL to pick consultant for IPO Chances of an IPO by BSNL have bridhtened, with the contours of the BSNL-MTNL merger becoming clear. 'GI protection should come with a rider' India is interested as it wants to protect its Darjeeling tea, Basmati rice and Alphanso mangoes. Daily News & Analysis Over $2 billion of Gulf money heads for India High liquidity leaves West Asian investors with few avenues. IPO harvest has been good in '06 Among the few losers were Gitanjali Gems & Jagran Prakashan. PwC report pointer to long-term bull market But government is doing little to ensure the wheels of growth are well greased. The Times of India April to witness March of IPOs Big opportunity for investors as companies line up Rs 10,000 crore issues. Tax tribunal to step on gas Pendency can be reduced if the ceiling for appeals is hiked from Rs 2 lakh. Going on shopping spree? Keep PAN card handy Taxmen set things in order before hunting trip. |