The Economic Times
Sebi sticks to guns on PNs
Gives sub-accounts a rope
France Tele plans grand entry
May team up with Moser Baer for tele venture
Promoters hike Cambridge stake
Move aimed at turning around its IT and BPO unit
The Hindu Business Line
PNs here to stay provided anonymity is lifted: Damodaran
UPA, Left to meet again on Nov 16
Tata Tele jumps on the GSM bandwagon
Seeks DoT nod to deploy mixed technology
The Financial Express
MMTC to set up commodity exchange with pvt partner
MMTC to set up subsidiary or division for the exchange business
New brands join retail ranks
Crocs to invest $1 mn to open 50 stores in a year
Sensex recovers
Index recovers 442pts from the day's low