Following the devastating tsunami triggered by a powerful earthquake in Japan, Hyderabad-based Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (Incois), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of earth Sciences, has said there’s no real tsunami threat as far as the Indian Ocean is concerned.
“Based on the observations of sea level gauges in the Pacific and model simulations, it has been confirmed there is no significant tsunami threat to India”, Incois, which monitors sea-level changes near epicentral region and reports in case of a tsunami threat, said in a press release on Saturday.
According to Incois, model simulation indicated the maximum height of a tsunami wave at the Japanese coast to be around 6.5 meters. The maximum height of an expected wave at the Indian shore was less than 10 cm and the expected travel time to Andaman & Nicobar islands was about 14 hours from the epicentre. The maximum energy due to this episode was directed towards the south-east and into the Pacific Ocean.