US President Barack Obama is today expected to sign into law the Kerry-Lugar bill for $7.5 billion aid to Pakistan after two powerful Congressional committees issue an "explanatory statement" addressing concerns of its opponents, mainly the Pakistan Army.
However, there would be no change in the text of the bill, which its key architects and the Obama administration insisted has nothing to impinge on Pakistan's sovereignty.
Visiting Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi met a number of key Congressional leaders and officials here to convey to them concerns of the powerful Army and opposition parties in his country over the bill.
Congressman Howard Berman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told reporters that the House and Senate foreign affairs committees would issue a Joint Explanatory Statement detailing the intents and contents of the bill.
Administration officials and Congressional sources said the statement is expected to be issued later in the day in an effort to address Pakistani objections to the bill, but ruled out making any changes in the bill at this point of time.
"Obama believes this is an important piece of legislation and will sign it soon," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.
The Washington Post said the joint statement will "clarify" provisions requiring reports on Pakistan's expenditures, its progress in combating insurgents and the extent of civilian control over military.
Kerry said it was clear from his discussion with Qureshi that "the bill has not been characterised accurately in some quarters".
But two powerful Senate and House committees were preparing a Joint Explanatory Statement to assuage concerns in Pakistan over the bill, and provide assurances that the US has no intention of interfering with Pakistan's sovereignty.
Congressman Howard Berman, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the statement would detail the intents and contents of the bill.
The statement would "clarify" provisions requiring reports on Pakistan's expenditures, its progress in combating insurgents and the extent of civilian control over military, the Washington Post said quoting unnamed officials.
Pakistan Army and opposition parties have opposed some of the provisions of the bill, saying they impacted on national security and sovereignty.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said: "Obama believes this is an important piece of legislation and will sign it soon".
Gibbs said the bill was an important part of US-Pak relationship and its provisions would ensure that the money was spent on what it is intended for.
Qureshi, meanwhile said: "I said in my press take out with Secretary Clinton we would not allow micromanagement, and I think that the concerns that have been expressed whether they are on national security, which to Pakistan is supreme, it's important. We have discussed it very frankly".