The Odisha government has unveiled a Rs 1,600-crore investment plan aimed at creation of 32,000 new units in the MSME (micro, small & medium enterprises) sector in the 12th Plan period (2012-17).
The move is expected to add 160,000 new jobs in the sector. According to available data, there are 111,856 MSME units in the state. Between 2005 and 2011, investment in the sector has grown by 9.96 per cent.
A high-level meeting chaired by chief minister Naveen Patnaik emphasized on offering loan facility, marketing support and infrastructure support to the small and medium scale units.
It has also been decided to revitalize Odisha Small Industries Corporation (OSIC), directorate of export promotion & marketing and Odisha State Financial Corporation (OSFC). For infrastructure up-gradation, MSME clusters have been proposed across the state.