India's oil import bill surged 15.9 per cent in 2003-04 from $ 17,581 million to $ 20,379 million on increased demand for petroleum products and enhanced refining capacity in the country. |
However, because of the appreciation of the rupee vis-à-vis the dollar, the increase in the oil import bill in rupee terms was lower at 10 per cent, from Rs 85,042 crore to Rs 93,534 crore. |
According to the latest figures for 2003-04 compiled by the petroleum ministry, crude oil imports jumped 16.1 per cent from $ 15,759 million to $ 18,298 million and product imports moved up 14.2 per cent from $ 1,822 million to $ 2,081 million. |
In rupee terms, crude oil imports in 2003-04 moved up 10.2 per cent from Rs 76,195 crore to Rs 83,951 crore and product imports went up 8.3 per cent from Rs 8,847 crore to Rs 9,583 crore. |
The biggest jump of 48.4 per cent was recorded by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) whose imports moved up from $ 388 million to $ 576 million. kerosene imports moved up by 15.1 per cent from $ 166 million to $ 191 million. |
Incidentally, diesel imports declined by 1.2 per cent because of higher domestic refining capacity. Naphtha imports came down by 16.3 per cent and fuel oil imports by 24.5 per cent. |