In a major development pertaining to the Rs 51,000 crore greenfield project proposed by Posco in Jagatsinghpur district, the Orissa government today decided to ask the South Korean company not to insist on 300 acres private land in Dhinkia village. This was decided in a meeting chaired by chief minister Naveen Patnaik which was attended by the local MP, B P Tarai and agriculture minister Damodar Rout among others.
This decision was taken as villagers of Dhinkia, the epicentre of anti-Posco movement, are opposing the project.
Simultaneously, discussion with the Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti would be held at the Revenue Divisional Commissioner level, which would be facilitated by Tarai. Talking to the media after the meeting, agriculture minister Damodar Rout said, since the people are opposing the project, it was decided that Posco should not insist on 300 acres of land.
“It was unanimously decided that Posco project will come up as this is an important project for the state. Posco has been asked not to insist on 300 acres of private land in Dhinkia. However, all possible care would be taken to protect the interest of the displaced”, Rout said.