In line with the pollution control bodies in states like Maharastra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, the Orissa State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) plans to set up a separate Central laboratory, comparable to the national laboratories.
The Board of the OSPCB which met recently approved a proposal to this effect. Though the detailed cost of the project is yet to be worked out, OSPCB has already made a budgetary allocation of Rs 1 crore for the purpose. Proposed to come up at Chandaka Industrial Estate in Bhubaneswar, it will be a state of the art laboratory having facilities for chemical, biological, micro-biological, hazardous waste and soil sample testing.
While this laboratory is expected to meet the requirement of various provisions of Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974, Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1981 and the Environment (protection) Act, 1986 and rules framed under these acts, it will conform to the standards of the Central Pollution Control Board.
The proposed laboratory is expected to have its own treatment plant for scientific treatment and disposal of waste materials generated during the course of analysis. Besides, separate safety devices and power back up facilities are proposed to be installed in the laboratory, sources said.
The Central Pollution Control Board has been advocating the establishment of separate laboratory buildings for all state boards to strengthen their existing capabilities.
The state-owned Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO) has allotted 10,000 square feet land in the Chandaka Industrial Estate for the proposed laboratory. However, the OSPCB has requested IDCO to provide additional 15,000 square feet land in that location for setting up of the laboratory.