Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the telecom sector to focus on self-reliance and security, now that India had achieved significant progress in the digital connectivity ecosystem.
“Any government that is truly looking to transform the lives of people will find digital connectivity as a resourceful ally,” the prime minister said while highlighting the success of Jan Dhan Aadhar Mobile programme.
He added the Aarogya Setu app had proved to be an asset in the country's fight against Covid-19. The PM shared his views in a written message, which was read out on Friday.
“Any government that is truly looking to transform the lives of people will find digital connectivity as a resourceful ally,” the prime minister said while highlighting the success of Jan Dhan Aadhar Mobile programme.
He added the Aarogya Setu app had proved to be an asset in the country's fight against Covid-19. The PM shared his views in a written message, which was read out on Friday.