Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the previous Congress-led regime stalled infrastructure projects and accorded low priority to the aviation sector. He spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Navi Mumbai airport project.
The Maharashtra government has said the first phase of the Navi Mumbai airport, comprising a single runway and terminal, would be operational by December 2019.
The airport was conceived during Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's tenure in 1997. Modi said the project had remained on paper for all these years. He said stalled projects valued over Rs 10 trillion have been kickstarted by his government. "In
The Maharashtra government has said the first phase of the Navi Mumbai airport, comprising a single runway and terminal, would be operational by December 2019.
The airport was conceived during Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's tenure in 1997. Modi said the project had remained on paper for all these years. He said stalled projects valued over Rs 10 trillion have been kickstarted by his government. "In