The Enforcement Directorate on Thursday filed its charge sheet against businessman Mehul Choksi and his associate companies in the Rs 140-billion letter of undertaking (LoU) scam. This comes more than a month after the ED’s first charge sheet in the case against businessman Nirav Modi.
On the basis of the charge sheet, the ED will approach a special court to declare Choksi an economic offender and further confiscate his assets in the country.
According to the charge sheet, Choksi, along with eight others and five companies, has been accused of money laundering under the Prevention of Money Laundering
On the basis of the charge sheet, the ED will approach a special court to declare Choksi an economic offender and further confiscate his assets in the country.
According to the charge sheet, Choksi, along with eight others and five companies, has been accused of money laundering under the Prevention of Money Laundering