India's Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will arrive here tomorrow to participate in the two-day G20 Finance Ministers' and Bank Governors' meeting commencing on Friday to discuss the financial crisis.
The principles for tackling the economic crisis were already agreed to at the G20 Summit here in April and the two-day meeting on Friday and Saturday would mostly focus on implementation of pledges undertaken earlier this year.
Finance Ministers of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) will meet here on Friday afternoon. The same evening Pranab Mukherjee will have a one-on-one meeting with his Canadian counterpart. Mukherjee leaves for India on Saturday night.
Meanwhile, a campaign group calling itself 'Put People First Campaigners' planned to go on a walking tour of the City of London' demanding action on jobs, justice and climate, learning more about some of the key institutions behind the crisis.
The G20 Finance Ministers will next meet on November 7 and 8 in St. Andrews, Scotland.