Democracy, inclusive economic development and social empowerment were the key words in President Pratibha Devisingh Patil’s address to the nation on the eve of India’s 63rd Independence Day.
She reassured her listeners that the government was taking care of those struck by the H1N1 virus and the crisis arising out of scanty rainfall this year.
The President did not mince her words. “There is outrage when money meant for welfare schemes is pilfered out by corrupt practices. The flagship programmes of the Government are comprehensive, ranging from health to education, employment, to expanding social and economic infrastructure. Their implementation will have to be at optimal levels for an impact to be made on the lives of the people. Hence, the emphasis on reform of governance for effective delivery of public services is critical to change the lives of the people. The administrators must be responsive to the needs of the people,” she said, in an unusually forthright reference to an old problem.