B Mishra, the project director of Directorate of Rice Research (DRR) here, has been chosen to receive the coveted Hari Om Asharam Trust Award for the biennium 2001-02 as per the announcement from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.
Mishra and his associate, R K Singh, received the award from Rajnath Singh, the union agriculture minister, at ICAR Foundation Day Celebrations in New Delhi on July 16.
Hari Om Asharam award instituted in 1972 is presented once in two years for the outstanding original research work done in India during the preceding five years.
It carries a cash prize of Rs 40,000 and a citation. Mishra and Singh were chosen for their outstanding research on genetic studies and breeding and development of rice varieties tolerant to salinity and sodicity, a DRR press release said here.