The Punjab government has dedicated a fund of Rs 150 crore per annum to set up and upgrade industrial infrastructure and contribute the state’s share in the Centre’s schemes like cluster development, common facility centres and R&D marketing.
Giving details of the ongoing projects of the central government in Punjab, Industries Minister Manoranjan Kalia said the state government had got approved foundry and machine tool cluster at Batala at a cost of Rs 80 crore from the Centre. A proposal for development of a hand tool cluster for Jalandhar with a project cost of Rs 90 crore had also been sent to the Centre for approval, he said.
The project for setting up a common effluent treatment plant at Jalandhar with a cost of Rs 18 crore had been approved by the Centre under the ASIDE scheme and was under implementation, the minister added. Proposal for development of four clusters for micro, small and medium industry have been approved by the Union government under micro cluster development scheme. These are machine tools cluster at Ludhaina, oil expeller & parts cluster at Ludhiana, foundry cluster at Ludhiana and agriculture implements & machine tools cluster at Sangrur.
Besides, seven projects aimed at raising the competitiveness of bicycle & bicycle parts industry, machine tools industry, hand tools industry and such other industries in the state under UNIDO Country Programme is being implemented by the Centre.