The annual Plan of Punjab for 2012-13 was pegged at Rs 14,000 crore with an increase of 22 per cent over the previous year in a meeting between Planning Commission of India deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal in New Delhi on Monday.
Disclosing this here, a spokesperson of the state government said that the approved plan outlay included a one-time additional central assistance of Rs 480 crore. This comprised Rs 144 crore as 30 per cent central grant and Rs 356 crore as 70 per cent state share for the implementation of priority projects, especially in the water sector.
The Planning Commission of India had earlier decided to fix the size of annual plan for 2012-13 at Rs 12800 crore in April this year. That was subsequently hiked to Rs 14,000 crore.