The economy logged a growth of 8.1% in the first quarter of the current fiscal, according to data released by the government today. According to a release on the website of the ministry of programme implementation and statistics, quarterly GDP at factor cost at constant (1993-94) prices for Q1 of 2005-06 is estimated at Rs 3,82,534 crore as against Rs 3,53,717 crore in Q1 of 2004-05 - a growth rate of 8.1%. GDP at factor cost at current prices in Q1 of 2005-06 is estimated at Rs 7,25,945 crore as against Rs 6,43,645 crore in Q1 2004-05 - an increase of 12.8%. The sectors that registered significant growth in Q1 of 2005-06 are manufacturing at 11.3%, electricity, gas & water supply at 7.9%, construction at 7.9%, trade, hotels, transport and communication at 12.4%, financing, insurance, real estate and business services at 8.3% and community, social and personal services at 6.1%. "The growth rates in the sectors of agriculture, forestry & fishing at 2% and mining & quarrying at 3.2% are estimated to be lower than the growth rates for the corresponding quarter of the previous year," the release added. |