Railways have earned Rs 24,272.45 crores during April and May this year as against Rs 22,445.29 cr during the same period last year, registering an increase of 8.14%.
The total earnings from goods during April-May 2014 were Rs 16,563.57 cr compared to Rs 15,661.15 cr during the corresponding period, registering an increase of 5.76%.
The earnings from passengers during April-May period this year were Rs 6693.47 cr compared to Rs 5803 cr during the same period last year, registering an increase of 15.34%.
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The earnings from other coaching amounted to Rs 675.33 cr during April-May 2014 compared to Rs 657.17 cr during the same period last year, registering an increase of 2.76%.
The total number of passengers booked during April-May 2014 were 1377.82 million compared to 1396.03 million during the same period last year, a decline of 1.30%.