Oil and Natural Gas Corporation cannot start the exploratory drilling process in the highly prospective Mahanadi basin as the environment ministry has not granted it clearance. |
The environment ministry had earlier decided that ONGC could carry on drilling in the MN-DWN-98/3 block during May-October to avoid any harm to the Olive Ridley turtles that breed in the area. |
But, the six-month window period ended without any clearance even though the file had been cleared by the environment secretary's office because Environment Minister A Raja was out of town, said ONGC executives. |
"We kept a rig waiting for four days for which we were paying Rs 2.5 lakh daily. The rig was finally moved to the Krishna Godavari region," said a senior ONGC executive, adding that now the weather window did not permit drilling. |
Reliance Industries also did not get the clearance though the environment ministry had earlier told the companies that they could drill during the non-nesting season. |
Other exploration blocks in the area apart from GAIL-Gazprom block NEC-OSN-97/1 are ONGC and GAIL India's MN-OSN-97/3."These blocks do not fall in the way of turtles. So, clearances for them was not a problem," said an executive. |
Turtles nest annually during January-March on the beaches of Gahirmatha in the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary (Kendrapada district), the mouth of the river Rushikulya (Ganjam district) and the mouth of the river Devi (Puri district). |
Two Reliance exploration blocks, NEC-OSN-97/2 and MN-DWN-98/2, were awaiting environmental clearances due to migration of the threatened turtles. |
A time-restricted clearance was earlier granted to Reliance, but was withdrawn later for the MN-DWN-98/2 block. The block falls on the return path of migratory turtles which travel long distances to nest along the Orissa coast. |
A turtles tracking study was also being carried out by the Dehradun-based Wildlife Institute of India to assess the impact of drilling on turtles. |