Delhi Police has received the report from a government forensic laboratory on the controversial CD which has the purported conversation between eminent lawyer Shanti Bhushan and political leaders Mulayam Singh and Amar Singh.
A senior police official said they have received the report from the Central Forensic Sciences Laboratory (CFSL) located at Lodhi Road but were yet to go through it.
Delhi Police had on Monday given the CD to the lab for forensic analysis after Shanti Bhushan provided them with a copy of it.
Police had earlier registered a case under Section 469 (forgery intended to cause disreputation) against unknown persons on a complaint filed by Shanti Bhushan, who alleged that the CD was forged and intended to malign his reputation and derail the process of joint drafting committee on Lokpal Bill of which he is co-chairman.
Bhushan's son and lawyer Prashant had claimed that the disc was "doctored" using 2006 conversations of Mulayam Singh Yadav and Amar Singh and was intended to influence judgements in 2G and Amar Singh tape cases besides derailing the joint committee proceedings.
He claimed that the forensic analysis done by US expert George Papcun and Hyderabad-based Truth Labs had shown that the CD has "multiple gaps and signs of electronic editing at very very critical places".
The purported telephone conversation between Shanti Bhushan, Yadav and Singh showed attempts at influencing a judge.