More than Rs 467 crore had been spent on print and audio-visual advertisements by the government in the current financial year as compared to over Rs 572 crore in the previous year.
This was stated by Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting CM Jatua today in response to a question in the Rajya Sabha.
"The advertisements are issue based on publicity requirement of various ministries," Jatua said in his written reply.
The ministries had spent Rs 335.52 crore on print advertisements and Rs 31. 65 crore on audio visual advertisements.
These advertisements had been issued through the Department of Audio Visual Publicity (DAVP)
In the year 2010-11, the government had spent Rs 356.64 crore on print, Rs 216 crore on audio-visual and in all an amount of Rs 572.64 crore on advertisements.
In the preceding year, that is 2009-10, the expenditure on print advertisements was Rs 304.80 and Rs 229 crore on aAudio-visual totalling Rs 533.80 crore.
In the year 2008-09, the government had spent Rs 276.39 crore on Print advertisements, Rs 190 crore on Audio-visual advertisements and in all an amount of Rs 466.39 crore, Jatua said.
Jatua also gave a clarification to an earlier response that the ministry had given on March 19. He said that Al Jazeera's name had been erroneously added as one of the illegal channels being aired in the country.
He said that the name Al Jazeera's should be read as deleted in the list of channels which had been mentioned in the ministry's reply to Parliament on March 19.