YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, MP and head of the newly-formed YSR Congress Party, is all set to give his Sakshi TV a more balanced and content-rich look with the help of NDTV. The move is aimed making the two-year-old news channel number one in the crowded Telugu visual media space.
The management of Sakshi channel recently gave a three-year contract to NDTV Worldwide, a media consultancy division of Delhi-based NDTV Limited, to help improve the content, look and feel of the channel besides improving the internal systems pertaining to human resources and revenue generation.
Confirming the development, Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy, director of both Sakshi channel and the newspaper run by Jagati Publications, said NDTV would be bringing in its technical and editorial expertise to enhance the overall appeal of Sakshi news channel. NDTV Worldwide would also work with the management on improving manpower utilisation and revenue generation. However, he refused to divulge the financial details of the tie-up.
According to sources close to NDTV, the Sakshi management would be paying anywhere between Rs 20 crore and Rs 30 crore for the services offered during the contract period.
Sakshi is the first Telugu news channel to rope in NDTV media division's services. A couple of other channels are also in discussions with the firm for content-related services. There are about 14 Telugu channels in AP.
Sources in the know said Jagan had promised NDTV a free hand in editorial matters to get an independent and neutral image for the news channel besides improving the content and presentation. “Jagan feels that the news channel should not end up being his mouthpiece,” a journalist associated with NDTV told Business Standard.
However, Sakshi officials said the consultant is aware of Jagan's political interests and would not be very aggressive in its advisory role on that count.
Meanwhile, according to TAM India Private Limited, the channel has topped the weekly TRP ratings for the first time since its launch in February 2009, during last week pushing TV9 to the second position in the 25-plus age group.