The Supreme Court today asked Reliance Infocomm to pay Rs 40 crore to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) towards the levy on fixed wireless service. The former has already paid Rs 10 crore. |
Tata Indicom and Reliance have challenged the judgment of the TDSAT that ruled fixed wireless service as limited mobile service. BSNL had demanded Rs 160 crore from Reliance. |
However, since the appeals of both the companies are pending, the court directed Reliance to pay Rs 40 crore now. The rest of the amount will depend upon the outcome of the appeals. |
Tata Indicom had moved the appeal earlier and it had been admitted. The Reliance appeal has been directed to be tagged on with it for common hearing, according to today's order by a Bench headed by Justice Arijit Pasayat. |