The Supreme Court on Monday asked the chief ministers of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to meet and arrive at an amicable solution to the "sensitive" Cauvery water dispute.
"Why the two chief ministers can't sit together? Give it a try. It is not impossible," a bench of justices DK Jain and Madan B Lokur said. "We want you to meet in a congenial manner and discuss the issue in the larger interest of farmers from both states," it said.
The court said it was not possible for the Cauvery River Authority (CRA) headed by the Prime Minister to meet, so the state governments should meet to find a solution. "Try to find out a solution through give and take," the bench said, adding, "the chief ministers should not meet just for coffee but they should meet along with their experts to file a solution."
Senior advocate Fali S Nariman, appearing for Karnataka, said there is no problem in meeting and the Karnataka Chief Minister will certainly meet. The counsel appearing for Tamil Nadu, however, remained non-committal and said he will have to take instructions from the authority concerned. The bench urged both the chief ministers to have a meeting and posted the matter for directions on Friday.