It is a backward integration of a different kind. Bangalore-based builder Shoba Developers is setting its sights on much more than raising landmarks by trying to expand the country's skilled artisan base. |
The group has initiated efforts to develop skilled artisans of the right kind, at the Shoba Academy. Artisans like mason, brick-layer, tile-layer and carpenter are trained in batches of 25-30 at the academy. So far, the academy has trained four batches and a fifth batch is undergoing training. |
A move designed to address the shortage of skilled manpower in the industry, the pass- outs will handle the mason's tools across several Sobha projects if they are interested in doing so. |
"The four-month-long training attempts to fine-tune the skills of the selected candidates. Besides, advanced building techniques will be inculcated in them," says Sanjiv Aundhe, a general manager. To cut down on the number of applications for the 20-30 vacancies, Sobha uses the principle of excludability. It takes in people who are at least a tenth standard pass. Once an advertisement to attract trainees brought in a deluge of applications. The academy has relied on word of mouth to fill its seats, since then. |
"Quality, safety and cleanliness are the three words the academy promises to add to the trainees' vocabulary and make sure they learn to practice it," says Aundhe. The academy has a visiting German faculty member who helps the trainees refine their skills. |
The trainees at the end of their training get a rating, the highest being AAA. |