The Haryana transport department repeatedly faced problems in the implementation of its software, resulting in a revenue loss of Rs 5.52 crore, according to the state’s Comptroller and Audtitor General (CAG).
The loss happened primarily due to delay in the implementation of a revised road tax, says the latest CAG report on revenue. The software malfunction also led to data inaccuracies such as giving two licences to the same party and confirming regular licence before the expiry of the mandatory one-month period of learner’s licence.
It was earlier this month that the top auditor tabled the report in the Haryana Vidhan Sabha, after reviewing computerisation in the motor vehicle department.
The high-powered body recalled that the Union ministry of road transport and Highways had advised all states in the country to implement two standard software programmes in order to computerise the entire process involved in the issue of driving licences and permits, besides registration of vehicles. Both programmes — Vahan and Sarathi — were developed by the National Informatics Centre, the country’s premier science and technology institution set up by the central government in 1976.
The CAG’s latest review notes that the Haryana government had, on January 13 last year, notified an enhancement of the state road tax based on the value of vehicle. However, audit observations show that the software did not promptly show the enhanced rates. Analyses from 13 test-checked cases revealed that it was based on old rates tha the system calculated the road tax, causing a tentative loss of Rs 5.52 crore.
The audit observations also point to inaccuracies in ‘Sarathi’, ending up in issuing licences to 690 under-age (below 18 years) applicants. Also, 889 candidates got two licenses (in the same category).
Further, over 34,000 persons got regular licence in less than 30 days of holding the learner’s licence. What’s more, in 9,000-odd cases, those holding a learner’s licence for two-wheelers ended up getting regular licence for four-wheelers, the report added.