The Samajwadi Party today demanded an inquiry against Reliance Industries (RIL), which is named as one of the beneficiaries in the Iraqi oil-for-food scam. "Reliance is the biggest beneficiary in the oil-for-food scam. Why is Mukesh Ambani being spared when there was an inquiry against Natwar Singh," SP leader Amar Singh said. Singh said the SP fully supported the demand raised by CPM general secretary Prakash Karat for a probe against RIL. Reacting to Karat's demand for the probe, RIL had said on Saturday in a statement that it "has always followed national and international laws and norms in all its dealings." The SP, alongwith Telugu Desam Party and AIADMK, have also moved a privilege motion against Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the leak of Pathak Authority Report. |