After making tall claims of launching new industry policy, before Khajuraho investors meet this month, Shivraj Singh Chouhan has once again skipped long awaited industry policy. The state government officials and minister is ducking a direct reply on the issue but insiders have clued BS, “political interest and issues have spiked the launch of the new policy.” But a well placed official said, “A policy is an issue on which everyone wants to discuss and put in opinion, few finer points were to be discussed at the eleventh our so cabinet skipped discussion on it but it would definitely be tabled before the cabinet on 19th of this month.”
State Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his officials have on number of occasions have assured the industry that the policy will be launched ahead of Khajuraho Investors meet scheduled to be organized on 22-23 of this month.
The new policy is under discussions for the last two years but every time before launched government extend its date. “The date of old policy has been extended till October 31 and it is yet not known when will be cabinet take a decision on the new policy,” said a government source. However government spokesperson and minister for parliamentary affairs Narottam Mishra said, “I have no idea why cabinet skipped discussion on the policy.”
The policy has certain issues pertaining to some tax exemptions on stamp duty and value added tax to certain sectors which are yet to be addressed and officials, according to highly placed government insiders, wants state chief minister to look into the matter. “The policy has less than forty pages and has nothing new except for a few issues on which certain industrial sectors want amendment. Until these issues are not addressed the policy will remain under debate and a confidential document,” another source said.