According to the Union Mines Ministry, Gujarat tops the list of states, realising penalty of Rs 417.25 crore, followed by Maharashtra (Rs 147.09 crore) and Madhya Pradesh (Rs 146.70 crore). In respect of illegal mining, 14,458 first information reports (FIRs) have been lodged whereas 43,091 court cases were filed during the stated period. A total of 181,174 vehicles were seized by states in this period.
In the quarterly reports on illegal mining submitted by the state governments to the ministry, 48,467 cases of illegal mining were detected during the July-September quarter of 2015-16. Maharashtra with 13,292 cases registered the most cases during the period.
State governments are empowered, under Section 23C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 to make rules for prevention of illegal mining, transportation and storage of minerals. Matters relating to illegal mining come under the legislative and administrative jurisdiction of state governments.
The amended MMDR Act provides for stringent punitive provisions for combating illegal mining. Illegal mining has been made punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and with fine, which may extend to Rs 5 lakh per hectare of the area. Provisions have been made for setting up of special courts for the purpose of providing speedy trial of offences relating to illegal mining.