The Southwest monsoon has passed 100 days of its 2020 journey, bestowing India with 7 per cent more rainfall than the seasonal average. Rains do swivel between normal, deficient and excess across years, but good rains in times of severe contraction in the economy are a big relief.
The spatial distribution of rainfall across districts, however, is uneven. Chart 1 (map) shows how southern peninsular areas, Gujarat and Rajasthan, and the rain shadow regions of Maharashtra have got a bounty this time. But districts in Madhya Pradesh, one of India's top farming states, received deficient rains, in addition to
The spatial distribution of rainfall across districts, however, is uneven. Chart 1 (map) shows how southern peninsular areas, Gujarat and Rajasthan, and the rain shadow regions of Maharashtra have got a bounty this time. But districts in Madhya Pradesh, one of India's top farming states, received deficient rains, in addition to