Major Russian aircraft manufacturer famous for its fighters, Sukhoi has been listed amongst the most rapidly growing companies of Russia by the Economic News Agency rating.
It has been listed together with other Russian companies Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel, Rosneft, Rostelecom, Russian Alcohol, VympelCom, TNK-BP, Transneft and Cherkizovo Group.
"Dynamics, authority and development prospects were more important that absolute amounts of bank assets, charter capitals and corporate circulating assets," Sukhoi said in response to it's listing.
Founded by Pavel Sukhoi in 1939 as the Sukhoi Design Bureau, Sukhoi attack and fighter aircraft are in use across the world with a total of more than 2,000 Sukhoi aircraft being supplied to foreign countries on export contracts.
India, China, Poland, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Georgia, East Germany, Syria, Algeria, North Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Angola, Ethiopia, Peru, Eritrea, and Indonesia are the major countries using the services of Sukhoi.
Sukhoi is also one of the leading manufacturers of aerobatic aircraft.