Tamil Nadu has reduced electricity tariffs for industrial and commercial consumers. In line with what was suggested in the tariff policy introduced last year, the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has brought down cross-subsidy surcharges (CSS) to the range of Rs 1.6-2.5 a unit, the lowest among industrial states.
The National Tariff Policy 2016 suggested a new formula for determination of CSS and capped it at 20 per cent of the tariff. It also introduced an additional surcharge for these consumers when they shifted to sources other than the state’s distribution companies (discoms).
Thus, while states where
The National Tariff Policy 2016 suggested a new formula for determination of CSS and capped it at 20 per cent of the tariff. It also introduced an additional surcharge for these consumers when they shifted to sources other than the state’s distribution companies (discoms).
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