The Tamil Nadu government is planning to promote poultry clusters in seven backward and non-poultry regions of the state.
Namakkal, in southern Tamil Nadu, is the largest egg exporting hub of the country. The state occupies second position in egg production in the country.
At present, most of the poultry farming has been developed on a commercial scale in the western parts of the state, with Namakkal developing as layer belt and Palladam region developing into a hub for broilers.
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The total egg production increased 2.94 per cent over the previous year in the state .
The state government will provide 25 per cent front ended subsidy for setting up a poultry farm. An individual is eligible for availing assistance only once for each component. The beneficiaries under this scheme will be provided with 5 days training on commercial native poultry rearing through Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.