Business Standard

Task force seeks public opinion on artificial intelligence

The task force, set up in August, has been asked to draw up a policy for the accelerated deployment of AI

Task force seeks public opinion on artificial intelligence

smartphone, IoT, AI, artificial intelligence, quantum

Alnoor Peermohamed Bengaluru
A government task force is seeking public opinion on deploying artificial intelligence in manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture and the Aadhaar programme.

The task force, set up in August, has been asked to draw up a policy for the accelerated deployment of AI and a five-year roadmap for its use in government and industry research programmes.

“The job of the task force is to look at how we can use AI and the topic is so big we thought the public should also participate in it,” said V Kamakoti, professor of IIT Madras, who is chairing the task force.

The task force includes Gautam Shroff,

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