That between December 28 and January 2, 2000, all aircraft on international routes will fiy above 27,000 feet and all those on domestic flights will stay below this height?
That longitudinal separation between two PLANES in the air will be increased by 50 percent to 15 minutes from 10 minutes now?
Also Read
That there will be restrictions on non-scheduled flights?
That all aircraft will have to fly strictly to the allotted match numbers?
And all aeroplanes will have to carry extra fuel?
Don't be alarmed. The government is not anticipating a flash air strike from our friendly neighbour. These are some of the contingency sures beings taken to counter
the threat posed by the Y2K bug, since civil aviation is considered the most vulnerable to it. Again, no need for alarm.
The sector has already implemented all the measures recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Travelling by air on December 31 and after is considered safe. However, the authorides thought it would be wiser to err on the side of caution. textiles exports