The Tamil Nadu government has announced construction of various roads and bridges across the state with an investment of Rs 2,325 crore.
Chief minister J Jayalalithaa said in the Assembly the government was planning to expand highways in the extended area of Chennai Corporation along with laying footpath at a cost of Rs 1,033 crore. Multiple lane bridges and subways in the area would also be laid by the government with the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for around Rs 235 crore.
The plan includes expansion of highways in Chennai Corporation and expanding the Madurai ring road from two lane to four lanes at a cost of Rs 200 crore. Roads in Ramanathapuram and Krishnagiri districts would be strengthened, she said. The government is keen on improving infrastructure in this area, where it has recently announced a few industrial facilities.
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Besides, it would also construct 100 bridges over rivers at a cost of Rs 300 crore with an aid from the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard).
Another Rs 400 would be invested in upgrading roads, traffic signals and other requirements.