The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) has decided to add a capacity of 2,500MW by augmenting the installed capacity at its existing power stations over the next five years on an investment of Rs 10,000 crore. Addressing a press conference, state electricity minister Arcot Veerasamy said that chief minister M Karunanidhi would unveil the plaques for 2,500MW power projects of TNEB, which is celebrating its Golden Jubilee, on July 2. The projects include 500MW North Chennai Thermal Power Station (a joint venture with NTPC), Mettur Thermal Power Station (500 MW); Kundah Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project (500 MW) and Tuticorin Thermal Power Project (2x500 MW) in collaboration with NLC. These projects are expected to be completed in 30 months. He also said that Tamil Nadu would get 806MW from the 2,000MW Koodankulam power project, which is expected to be operational next year. The Koodankulam project is being built with Russian collaboration. The total power generating capacity of TNEB is 10,098MW. However, the maximum peak demand so far reached in the state is 8,800MW. The surplus power is sold to Maharashtra and Punjab at Rs 5.2 per unit. |