Tamil Nadu will add an additional 4,191-Mw to its power generation capacity by March 2014, said O Panneerselvam, state finance minister. TN is facing a power shortage of around 4,000 Mw.
Addressing bankers and industry at a financial sector conclave organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci), along with the Southern India Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, he said the government was working towards lifting all restrictions and control measures to ensure uninterrupted and quality power supply.
"Tamil Nadu was the first state to have successfully completed the financial restructuring plan of discoms," he said.
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Besides, the state is also taking up new power projects to narrow the future demand-supply gap, added Panneerselvam.
The government has also started the State Skill Development Mission by earmarking Rs100 crore every year aimed at creating a partnership between government and the industry to achieve mutual goals.
R Subramanian, president, Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, mooted an idea to set up a financial city in Chennai as a hub for all the financial service sector players to set up their base for carrying out operations across the country.